Tim can't sleep

“Good night, Tim! We'll continue searching tomorrow. Now sleep tight!”

"Wes hǽl, Tim! Wé þurhsécað tómorgen. Nú slǽp þú wel!"

Tim crying

dark outside

It is already dark outside.

Déorc hit ǽr bið útweard.

little wolf outside in the dark

Tim getting dressed

What is Tim doing?

Hwæt dóð þǽr Tim?

Tim leaving

He is leaving for the playground.
What is he looking for there?

Hé færeð þǽre plegstówe æt.
Hwæt séceð þǽr hé?

Tim in front of playground

Tim and his little wolf

The little wolf!
He can't sleep without it.

Sé wulfling!
Ne mæg hé slǽpan him bútan.

Marie coming out of the door

Who's this coming?