Tim can't sleep

‏ليلة سعيدة يا تيم! غداً سَنُتابعُ البحث. أما الآن فنمْ جيدا‏!‏‏

“Good night, Tim! We'll continue searching tomorrow. Now sleep tight!”

Tim crying

dark outside

‏لقد حلَّ الظلام‏.‏‏

It is already dark outside.

little wolf outside in the dark

Tim getting dressed

‏ماذا يَفعلُ تيم هُناك؟‏

What is Tim doing?

Tim leaving

‏إنه خارِجٌ إلى الملعب. عَنْ ماذا يبحَثُ هُناك؟‏

He is leaving for the playground.
What is he looking for there?

Tim in front of playground

Tim and his little wolf

‏عَنْ الذئب الصغير! لأنه لا يستطيع النومَ بدونه‏.‏‏

The little wolf!
He can't sleep without it.

Marie coming out of the door

‏مَنْ القَادِم؟‏

Who's this coming?


Marie and her ball