
Drama Queen Saga

Drama Queen Saga

Drama Queen

von: La Jill Hunt

9,96 €

Verlag: Urban Renaissance
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 01.10.2015
ISBN/EAN: 9781622864102
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 288

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Kayla Hopkins is young, beautiful, and can't win for losing. That's why everyone calls her the Drama Queen. She doesn't go looking for drama, it just happens to find her. Take, for instance, her love life. Kayla's not satisfied with just one man. She has two--one she's in love with and another she's pregnant by. It's a ready-made formula for disaster, but will Kayla see it before everything blows up in her face? Her track record says no, but her friends and family can only hope.Terrell Sims has just turned his life around, gotten a new job, and the girl of his dreams, but when a problem he thought he had taken care of comes back to haunt him, he might just lose everything he's worked so hard to gain.

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