
Cooperative CoParenting for Secure Kids: The Attachment Theory Guide to Raising Kids in Two Homes

Cooperative CoParenting for Secure Kids: The Attachment Theory Guide to Raising Kids in Two Homes

von: Aurisha Smolarski

5,99 €

Verlag: Ves Audio
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 07.08.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9785957363477
Sprache: Russisch
Anzahl Seiten: 256

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


Discover how attachment theory can help you better understand yourself and your ex, improve your co-parenting skills, and raise happy, emotionally secure kids!

If you're like most parents, you want—more than anything—for your child to feel safe, loved, and confident that their needs will be met. However, this can be difficult when you're sharing custody with an ex. Instead of working together, you may feel at war with one another, and in the end, nobody wins—especially your child. So, how can you ensure that you and your ex are on the same page when it comes to co-parenting?

With this unique and highly practical guide, you'll learn the science of attachment theory, and how to apply it to your co-parenting relationship. Secure attachment refers to the bond between a parent and young child, which gives that child a stable and secure basis from which to negotiate life going forward. A child with a secure base can weather the storms of trauma and life changes —such as those caused by divorce—much more easily than a child who doesn't. Co-parents who understand this principle have a significant advantage, because they can learn how to provide secure attachment for their child, even while no longer living under the same roof.

You'll learn the "principles of engagement" for successful co-parenting:

Commitment: Create certainty in the midst of change by committing to show up and be present for your child, thereby creating trust and reducing anxiety.
Collaboration: Work together, with a shared vision for co-parenting, to create win-win-wins for all.
Clarity: Maintain clear, concise, calm, and timely communications, thereby minimizing misunderstandings and providing accountability.
Consistency: Build consistent structures in both homes to create reliable and predictable environments.
Connection: Co-parents stay present and mindful with their child to help them process their emotions and to build secure attachment.
Community: Cultivate community and external support systems, thereby expanding the circle of love.

Co-parenting is often difficult, and sometimes it can feel like a battle. But it doesn't have to be this way. Using the insight and wisdom in this guide, you'll learn how to build a solid and supportive co-parenting team. And the real winner will be your kid!
Ориша Смоларски — лицензированный семейный терапевт, сертифицированный коуч по совместному воспитанию детей и судебный примиритель с клинической практикой в ЛосАнджелесе, Калифорния. Она специализируется на работе с родителями и семейными парами. Будучи разведенной матерью, она хорошо знакома с проблемами, с которыми сталкиваются родители, растящие детей в двух семьях. Более десяти лет она опирается на теорию привязанности и другие методики, чтобы помочь клиентам разобраться со своими эмоциональными проблемами и создать надежную семью.
Автор предисловия, Хантер КларкФилдс, член сообщества руководителей ассоциаций Мичигана — создатель осознанного воспитания, ведущая подкаста «Осознанное воспитание» и автор книги «Воспитание хороших людей. Как прервать цикл реактивности и помочь ребенку вырасти добрым и уверенным в себе», выпущенной в нашем издательстве в 2020 году.

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