
An Archetypal Approach to Death Dreams and Ghosts

An Archetypal Approach to Death Dreams and Ghosts

1. Aufl.

von: Aniela Jaffé, C.G. Jung

8,99 €

Verlag: Daimon
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 08.05.2020
ISBN/EAN: 9783856309046
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 196

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<p>A collection of death dreams and ghost stories were gathered and presented to C.G. Jung and the author, who approaches this fascinating material from the depths of her analytic experience.<br/><br/>&ldquo;&hellip; among the Swiss, who are commonly regarded as stolid, unimaginative, rationalistic and materialistic, there are just as many ghost stories and suchlike as, say, in England or Ireland. Indeed, as I know from my own experience &hellip; magic as practiced in the Middle Ages &hellip; has by no means died out, but still flourishes today &hellip;<br/>I can recommend it to all those who know how to value things that break through the monotony of daily life with salutary effects, (sometimes!) shaking our certitudes and lending wings to the imagination.&rdquo; &ndash; from the Foreword by C.G. Jung<br/><br/>We are left in the overpowering presence of a great mystery.</p>
Aniela Jaffé (1903–1991) war Analytikerin in Zürich und langjährige Mitarbeiterin C.G. Jungs. Als Herausgeberin von "Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken von C.G. Jung" ist sie einem großen Leserpublikum bekannt geworden. Sie hat mit ihren zahlreichen Publikationen maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass seine Psychologie einem breiteren Kreis näher gebracht wurde.
Ihr Interesse galt nicht nur der Analytischen Psychologie, wie viele ihrer Bücher bezeugen, sondern auch der Literatur und Parapsychologie.

One of the most distinguished interpreters of C.G. Jung’s ideas today, Aniela Jaffé was born in Berlin and studied psychology at the University of Hamburg. With the outbreak of World War II, she emigrated to Zürich, where she later trained with the psychiatrist/analyst C.G. Jung.
Frau Jaffé’s reputation as a lucid and authoritative writer has been substantiated through her collaboration with Jung on the biographical work, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", her editing of his collected "Letters", and numerous independent works, including The Myth of Meaning. She practiced as an analyst in Zürich until her death in 1991.

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