These simple but powerful Exercises had been first introduced to a Russian engineer about a hundred years ago by Tibetan Monks who lived up high in a mountain area of Tibet.

That engineer worked for an electrical company supplying electricity to the small secluded villages of Tibet. That’s what a legend says. What on Earth would the Russians do in Tibet I have no idea, but a legend is a legend and I am telling you what I know. So this engineer managed to provide the hidden Monks with electricity and the grateful Monks rewarded him with some Secrets of Youth. Luckily, the guy did not keep them to himself and now we are also able to use these Secrets.

These Exercises should be done early in the morning in bed as soon as you are awake. The optimal time recommended is before 6 am. I believe it has something to do with our biological clock. It takes only about 5-10 minutes, but the effect is unbelievable. I learned about them from one Russian lady, Olga Orlova, who claims she got rid of practically all of her chronic diseases that she had before, and she is now feeling fantastic and young. I saw her, she does indeed look naturally young for her age and so nice, happy and graceful that I said to myself I am definitely in a huge need of doing what she was doing!

To start, we need to rub our palms for a few seconds. You will feel them becoming warm. That is considered to be a good sign that your biofield is in place. If it is cold there is quite a problem somewhere.

But aren’t we going to get ourselves fixed?

Each Exercise of this Set should be performed 30 times.

Cover your eyes with those warmed up palms and gently start pressing on them. This helps to improve our vision.




Using the same method as before, now we cover our ears and press on them gently. This Russian lady said she was experiencing some pain for a while but assured us that we have to keep going. The pain will be gone and the problem will be resolved. I personally also had some minor pain and a couple of times wax came out my right ear.


